Ham radio related links you might find interesting. Some of them are Greek language only.

  1. Log4Om (The Logging program I use)
  2. R.A.A.G. ( Radio Amateur Association of Greece)
  3. H.A.G (Ham Association of Greece)
  4. Contest Calendar WA7BNM powered by Icom
  5. WSJT Home Page – Princeton University
  6. What is FT8 & WSJT-X & how do I get started? by K7KE
  7. Greek Air Band frequencies
  8. Ham Radio Basics: QSL Card Info and Etiquette
  9. Edit your ham details info on gov.gr (https://radioerasitexnes.gov.gr/)
  10. Τεστ Εξετάσεων Υποψήφιων Ραδιοερασιτεχνών (Test for Ham Op’s exam)